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Why is blockchain unforgeable? Understanding the blockchain and its security  

In the digital age, security and transparency are essential. Transactions are multiplying, requiring reliable protection. Here, blockchain is emerging as an innovative solution. It is transforming our vision of digital security.  

More than a technology linked to cryptocurrencies, blockchain is a revolution. More than a ledger; it’s a reliable platform for our digital future.

In our article, we’re going to explain step by step why blockchain is an unforgeable technology that is shaping the future of our financial exchanges and far beyond.  


Comprendre pourquoi la blockchain est infalsifiable

To remember

  • Advanced cryptography: Use of complex cryptographic techniques to secure data.  
  • Immutability of transactions: Once recorded, transactions cannot be modified or deleted. 
  • Decentralisation of the network: No central control point, making falsification more difficult. 
  • Validation consensus: Transactions are validated by consensus, reinforcing the veracity of the data.  
  • Transparency and traceability: Every transaction is transparent and traceable, increasing reliability. 

What is blockchain and how does it work? 

Definition of blockchain  

The blockchain is a decentralised digital register that is crucial for recording transactions securely. It is a technology that makes it possible to establish a register of time-stamped transactions, organised in a chain of blocks. This is organised by consensus within a network with no prior trust between players. 

The role of cryptography in a blockchain 

Blockchain is often hailed for its robust security, and this reputation is deeply rooted in the use of advanced cryptographic techniques. To better understand this concept, let’s imagine blockchain as an extremely secure digital safe where information is stored. 

At the heart of this security are the private and public keys. These keys work in tandem: the public key can be shared with anyone, a bit like an email address, and is used to send data to a specific user. On the other hand, the private key is kept secret, similar to a very complex password, and is used to unlock or access received data. 

Another layer of security is provided by so-called hash functions. Think of these functions as conversion machines: they take any input (such as a transaction or a message) and transform it into a fixed, unique output, a bit like a digital fingerprint. The fascinating thing about hashing is that even a tiny change in the input creates a completely different output. This makes it extremely difficult for anyone to alter the information on the blockchain without being detected. 

Transactions on a blockchain 

Each transaction is grouped into blocks, verified and validated by the network nodes. This method guarantees the reliability of the data and its immutability, an essential feature of the blockchain. 

Decentralisation of a blockchain 

Decentralisation is a key aspect of blockchain, where no single actor controls the ledger. This allows for a fair distribution of power and increased security, as there is no central point of failure. 

The database concept in blockchain 

Finally, blockchain functions like a shared, unmodifiable database. It facilitates the recording and tracking of transactions and assets, whether tangible or intangible, in a network of companies or individuals. 

How blockchain nodes work  

Definition and role of nodes in a blockchain  

Nodes are crucial elements of the blockchain structure. They perform several essential functions:  

  • Storing and distributing data on the blockchain. 
  • Validation and distribution of transactions. 
  • Contributing to network security and transparency. 

Validation of transactions by nodes  

The process of validating transactions by nodes is central: 

  1. Reception: Receipt of the transaction by the node
  2. Communication: Communication with other nodes for validation. 
  3. Acceptance: Acceptance and storage of transactional information.

Node computing power 

The nodes bring their computing power to the network, enabling: 

  • Managing a copy of the blockchain. 
  • Transaction processing, in certain cases. 
  • Maintaining the integrity of the network. 

Blockchain mining by nodes 

Certain nodes, by providing their computing resources, participate in the mining process:  

  • They receive transactions
  • They contribute to the creation of new blocks
  • In return, they can collect rewards in cryptocurrency. 

Blockchain nodes and security  

Nodes play a crucial role in blockchain security

  • They validate, distribute and store transactions. 
  • Their contribution ensures that the blockchain functions properly. 
  • The user makes his storage and download space available via his electronic device to support the network. 

How can blockchain be immovable, indestructible and unforgeable? 

The inviolability of blockchain 

Blockchain is reputed to be tamper-proof thanks to its unique structure. In a public blockchain, the register is comparable to an anonymous ledger, open to all and impossible to falsify. This feature guarantees the integrity of the information it contains.  

Indestructibility and the impossibility of erasing data on a blockchain 

Once a transaction is recorded on the blockchain, it becomes indestructible and impossible to erase. This permanence ensures precise traceability of all the operations carried out, engraving each action forever in the blockchain. 

The reliability and transparency of blockchain 

Blockchain replaces the traditional trusted third party. It offers a faster, cheaper and, above all, more secure transaction system. As an unforgeable register of transactions, it brings greater transparency and reliability to digital exchanges. 

What aspects of blockchain are unforgeable? 

According to mathematician Jean-Paul Delahaye, blockchain should be seen as : 

“A very large notebook, which anyone can read freely, on which anyone can write, but which is impossible to erase and indestructible.  

This underlines its forgery-proof nature in every respect: from data recording to long-term preservation. 

Example: Bitcoin and the unforgeability of blockchain  

In the case of Bitcoin, for example, the blockchain plays a key role in ensuring that every transaction is verified and recorded securely and permanently, making any attempt at falsification impossible

Security benefits of blockchain technology 

The security of transactions on a blockchain 

Blockchain offers a data structure with inherent security qualities. It is based on principles such as cryptography, decentralisation and consensus, which reinforce trust in transactions. Blocks are securely linked to one another, preventing any undesirable modification or insertion. 

Trust embodied by blockchain 

By replacing intermediaries, blockchain makes transactions faster, cheaper and more secure. It ensures total transparency and traceability, where the information stored cannot be altered or deleted. 

User autonomy thanks to blockchain 

Blockchain users enjoy greater autonomy. They can monitor, share and record transactional data indiscriminately, which strengthens security and trust within the network. 

Indestructible and indelible aspects of blockchain 

The architecture of the blockchain guarantees that each transaction is indestructible and indelible. Each additional block reinforces the verification of the previous block, thus consolidating the entire blockchain.  

Blockchain as a secure storage and transmission solution 

Blockchain is used effectively for the secure storage and transmission of transactional information. This in-depth risk management system prevents potential hacking, ensuring robust network security. 

Limits, challenges and controversies of blockchain  

Potential risks and safety 

  1. Potential risks associated with blockchain  
    Although blockchain is secure, it is not completely immune to attack. Developments in quantum computing could threaten its cryptographic algorithms.  
    Attacks such as the 51% attack, where malicious actors take control of the majority of a blockchain network, are possible.   
    In addition, the transparency of blockchain can raise confidentiality issues, exposing users to the risk of malicious data.  
  2. Comparison with other transaction security systems 
    Compared with other systems, blockchain offers enhanced security thanks to its cryptography and decentralisation.  
    However, it presents unique challenges due to its decentralised architecture and public visibility, which can be exploited in certain scenarios. 

Infallibility and transparency 

  1. Debates on the true forgery-proof nature of blockchain  
    Although reputed to be tamper-proof, blockchain may present vulnerabilities due to technological advances such as quantum computing, which could potentially compromise its security.  
  2. Blockchain makes digital transactions more trustworthy  
    Despite these concerns, blockchain offers a high level of transparency and security, reinforcing trust in digital transactions. 

Controversial aspects  

  1. Challenges and controversies surrounding blockchain 
    The main limitations of blockchain include: 
    • Scalability: Difficulty in processing large volumes of transactions quickly. 
    • Cost: High energy consumption and high infrastructure costs. 
    • Confidentiality and security: risks associated with attacks and confidentiality issues. 
    • Regulation and compliance: challenges linked to anonymity and various regulations. 
    • Interoperability: Difficulties in communicating and transferring information between different blockchains.
  2. Public blockchain versus private blockchain: advantages and disadvantages
    • Public blockchains: These offer transparency and openness, but can be less secure and more expensive to maintain.  
    • Private blockchains: Faster and cheaper, but they are dependent on a central authority, which can compromise security and trust. 

The future of blockchain  

Uses and developments 

Blockchain, once a cryptic term, is now a key technology in finance and elsewhere. Since its introduction in 2008 with Bitcoin, its application has spread beyond cryptocurrencies, influencing various sectors such as finance and gaming. 

Future potential of blockchain technology  

The impact of blockchain is profound and transformative. It is revolutionising the transparency of supply chains, financial transactions and even the art world with NFTs.    

Companies such as J.P. Morgan, MediLedger in healthcare, and IBM in supply chain management are already using blockchain to improve their operations. 

Emerging trends 

  • Decentralised finance (DeFi): aims to recreate traditional financial systems in a decentralised and transparent way.
  • Non-fungible tokens (NFT): represent unique digital property. 

Future predictions  

  • Integration with other technologies: Fusion with AI and IoT is expected, paving the way for new applications.  
  • Data security and privacy: Blockchain could become a standard for data security, in response to growing concerns about data breaches and confidentiality. 

Opportunities for companies and individuals 

Blockchain offers transparency, efficiency and security for businesses, control of personal data and access to financial services for individuals. Companies such as Microsoft and Amazon are already offering BaaS (Blockchain-as-a-Service) platforms. 

The role of governments and institutions 

Governments, such as Estonia, are adopting blockchain for public services. Institutions, such as the European Union, are working on regulatory frameworks for its safe and legal use. 

Review: the forgery-proof nature of blockchain for the future of digital transactions 

The blockchain, with its decentralised structure and cryptographic principles, offers a secure and unforgeable platform for digital transactions. Its ability to resist modification and to validate transactions transparently is crucial to its integrity. 

The future of blockchain looks bright, with its increasing integration into a variety of sectors and its potential to revolutionise digital transactions. Innovations such as DeFi and NFT show how blockchain can extend beyond cryptocurrencies, offering security and transparency solutions in a variety of areas

To exploit the full potential of blockchain, a thorough understanding of its mechanisms and implications is essential. This is crucial not only for developers and businesses, but also for end-users, in order to guarantee the security and efficiency of digital transactions. 

Frequently asked questions  

How important is encryption in blockchain?  

The cryptographic system used in blockchain is essential for guaranteeing the security of this technology. Each transaction is encrypted and linked to previous transactions, making it impossible to alter. Blockchain is therefore an extremely secure system thanks to encryption. 

What is an smart contract?  

A smart contract is a computing protocol that automates the execution of contracts. Smart contracts use the blockchain to validate transactions. These contracts make transactions much faster and more secure, without the need for a trusted third party. 

What is public blockchain?

There are public blockchains, with open access and validated by all the nodes on the blockchain. This type of blockchain is therefore transparent and accessible to all. 

What is a trusted third party when using blockchain?  

A trusted third party is an entity responsible for verifying the authenticity and legality of transactions. With blockchains, this trusted third party is not necessary, as all transactions are verified by the blockchain nodes and secured by the cryptographic system, making the transaction faster and more secure. 

Why is blockchain reliable?  

Blockchain is reliable because it records all transactions in a history that is both impossible to erase and indestructible. What’s more, authenticity does not need to be verified by a central control body, making the blockchain less susceptible to human error or fraud. 

Investing in digital assets involves risks and is not suitable for all investors. 

Investors should inform themselves about the risks associated with the various digital assets. In particular, it is emphasised that digital assets can be highly volatile and that investments in digital assets present a risk of capital loss. In this respect, investors are reminded that past performance of digital assets, which may be indicated on the Banque Delubac & Cie website or in documents made available to investors, is not representative of future performance. In addition, investors should inform themselves about the technologies related to each digital asset and their risks, like flaws, defects, piracy, errors, protocol failures or attacks thereon. Banque Delubac & Cie cannot be held responsible for any misunderstanding of the risks associated with digital assets or for any losses that the investor may incur in the event of an error in the address of the portfolio attributable to the investor.

Banque Delubac was the subject of a “simple” registration subject to the provisions of article L. 54-10-3 of the Monetary and Financial Code in force before 1 January 2024 and was not subject to the provisions relating to the “enhanced” registration introduced by the law of 9 March 2023. 

During this registration procedure, the Autorité des marchés financiers (Financial Markets Authority) verified:

  • The integrity and competence of the managers and beneficial owners, 
  • The ability of the Service Provider to comply with its obligations in terms of the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing, the freezing of assets and the prohibition on making assets available, by putting in place an organisation and procedures.