Financing for companies in difficulty
Delubac Restructuring Banking has surrounded itself with the best experts to support struggling or turnaround businesses and offer them financing solutions best suited to their situation.

Commercial discount

Your business can apply commercial discount to enable it to obtain the necessary liquidity if cash is required urgently. Before maturity, Delubac Restructuring Banking may pay the amount of the commercial paper (promissory notes or bills of exchangeExchange platform for crypto assets (Binance, Kraken…) Lire la suite) assigned by the business.
This is a short term loan granted by the bank. The beneficiary of the loan remains responsible for the proper payment of the bill until it is settled.
Credits and documentary remittances for import and export

Documentary credit is a payment and guarantee instrument that can be used for all types of transactions (goods and services). It allows the settlement of the amount of the business debt against presentation of the trade and transport documents stipulated in the opening of the credit.
To assist struggling businesses, Delubac Restructuring Banking can open documentary credits with the constitution of a deposit as collateral.
DAILLY Law (France/Abroad)
Thanks to the Dailly Law, businesses can sell the debts they hold on their clients to Delubac Restructuring Banking. This measure allows makes it possible for the business to benefit from cash as soon as an invoice is issued, thereby facilitating the management of accounts receivable.
As a financing tool, the factoring solution of Banque Delubac & Cie makes it possible to secure the accounts receivable of businesses. The mobilisation of invoices, upon their delivery, fits their working capital needs. Businesses also benefit from a follow-up of invoices transferred in the dedicated tool and form a guarantee against unpaid invoices.
Mobilisation of cross-border credit claims (MCNE)
Claims held abroad may experience delays of varying regulations in different countries and business sectors. In order to compensate for cash gaps, Delubac Restructuring Banking may have to mobilise cross-border credit claims (MCNE).
Through this financing method, it is possible to offer the same financing flexibility to businesses that operate internationally as those operating in the domestic market.
Advance on stock
For some struggling businesses, stock is the only current asset that can be valued in the short term and serve as a basis for funding. Delubac Restructuring Banking, after study and expertise, can grant cash facility in return for pledge with dispossession or third-party holding of the stock as collateral.
The advance on stock remains subject to a detailed study of the results and expectations of business activities, with the aim of placing the business on the road to recovery.
Bank guarantee
The Restructuring Banking offers different types of bank guarantee.
The Bank guarantees, on a case-by-case basis, the commitments of its clients made to third parties under the circumstances provided for in the relevant contracts.
Security trust
Derived from the Anglo-Saxon trust, the trust makes it possible to transfer ownership of all or part of its assets to a third party for a limited period. To assist struggling businesses, Delubac Restructuring Banking can set up a security trust to guarantee the payment of a debt.