Make the most of your surplus cash with Delubac Tréso Excédent +
Does your company regularly generate surplus cash flow? Use this surplus cash flow efficiently and flexibly with our Delubac Tréso Excédent+ solution.
Our service allows you to help your cash flow defend itself against inflation or market volatility.
Why choose Delubac for the investment of your surplus cash?
- A tailor-made offer designed for short-term investments of corporate cash.
- Simple, automated management for greater ease.
- The flexibility to recover your investment in a maximum of three days.
The advantages of Delubac Tréso Excédent +
A turnkey solution
Each month, the surplus of your cash flow is directly invested from your current account to your securities account in the Delubac Monétaire UCITS*, a short-term fund with variable net asset value (VNAV).
Automated management makes it easier for you to concentrate on your core business.
*Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities
A flexible and available investment
- You determine the personalised ceiling above which you wish to invest your surplus cash. You can adjust this ceiling upwards or downwards according to your needs.
- Your investment is available when you want it, in a maximum of 3 days, offering you greater flexibility.
An attractive risk/return ratio
- Delubac Tréso Excédent + allows you to invest in short-term investments via our money market fund Delubac Monétaire.
- Delubac Monétaire is a UCITS invested in short-term money market instruments issued by OECD member states (public debt) and non-government securities (private debt).
- You are therefore not exposed to the equity markets or to changes in long-term rates on the bond markets.
A fund with low volatility
- The support has a very low volatility: the synthetic risk indicator is 1 on a scale of 1 to 7. It measures the level of volatility of the fund and the risk to which investors’ capital is exposed. The risk profile is not constant and may change over time.
- This solution is suitable for companies looking to invest surplus cash without locking it away.
Money market funds are not capital guaranteed investments and there is a risk of capital loss, however moderate. The performance of money market funds varies according to central bank rates. You could therefore be penalised by a market downturn if central banks were to lower their rates.
Support from a bank that understands your needs
Your adviser, together with our investment advisory experts, will help you analyse your cash flows and determine the structure of your cash flow. Together, you will determine the level of investment that suits you: the one that optimises the return on your surplus, while leaving you flexibility in your daily activities.
You also benefit from the support of all the bank’s expertise, whether it concerns your equity capital activities (merchant banking), your private assets (wealth management) or the management of your more complex needs.
Ready to make the most of your surplus cash flow?
Contact us to find out more about Delubac Tréso Excédent +
Access to the information in this document may be restricted for certain people or in certain countries. It is your responsibility to verify that your legal and tax status allows you to subscribe to the products and services. Prior to subscribing to any financial product, potential investors must conduct their own analysis of the legal, tax, accounting and regulatory aspects of the financial products under consideration in order to determine the advantages and risks thereof. Financial products are subject to upward and downward fluctuations and present a risk of partial or total capital loss. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. It is important to fully understand the risks of the financial instrument under consideration.
Before any subscription to a financial product, the Bank ensures that the investment is appropriate to the client’s financial and asset situation, experience and objectives in terms of risk and investment period. This document is a promotional document and in no way constitutes a solicitation to buy or sell, or a recommendation to buy or sell. Investors are advised to only invest in a UCI after carefully reading its prospectus and the related Key Information Document available on the AMF website and on the website or by sending a written request to your advisor or the management company.
For more information on the Delubac Monétaire fund, investors can consult the information sheet at