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Questions les plus fréquentes

How to store cryptocurrencies 
Investors in crypto-currencies (crypto-assets or digital assets) have one major concern: securing their assets and private keys. This is to minimize the risk of theft, hacking or loss, while guaranteeing absolute control over one’s crypto-currencies.  Choose from the solutions best suited to your needs in terms of use and safety:  Cold Wallets   Cold […]
Investors in crypto-currencies (crypto-assets or digital assets) have one major concern: securing their assets and private keys. This is to minimize the risk of theft, hacking or loss, while guaranteeing absolute control over one’s crypto-currencies.  Choose from the solutions best suited to your needs in terms of use and safety:  Cold Wallets   Cold […]

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What does a cryptocurrency’s market cap really represent? 
Market Cap, the market capitalization of a cryptocurrency, is a financial indicator that measures the total value of that currency on the market.   Calculating a cryptocurrency’s market cap  To calculate it, you multiply the current price of one unit of the cryptocurrency by the number of units that are in circulation.  Market […]
Market Cap, the market capitalization of a cryptocurrency, is a financial indicator that measures the total value of that currency on the market.   Calculating a cryptocurrency’s market cap  To calculate it, you multiply the current price of one unit of the cryptocurrency by the number of units that are in circulation.  Market […]

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How do crypto-assets work? 
Cryptocurrencies are forms of value that exist in the digital world. They are based on cryptography, a mathematical science that makes transactions secure and limits the risk of unauthorised access. However, it is important to note that despite these security measures, challenges remain, including the potential risk of cryptojacking and […]
Cryptocurrencies are forms of value that exist in the digital world. They are based on cryptography, a mathematical science that makes transactions secure and limits the risk of unauthorised access. However, it is important to note that despite these security measures, challenges remain, including the potential risk of cryptojacking and […]

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What are the risks associated with cryptocurrencies? 
Price volatility  Cryptocurrencies are notoriously volatile. Sudden and large price swings can result in significant gains, but also considerable losses for investors.   For example, between Monday 1ᵉʳ November 2021 and Thursday 1ᵉʳ December 2022, Bitcoin lost 72% of its value. Conversely, between 1ᵉʳ October 2020 and 1ᵉʳ March 2021, Bitcoin rose by […]
Price volatility  Cryptocurrencies are notoriously volatile. Sudden and large price swings can result in significant gains, but also considerable losses for investors.   For example, between Monday 1ᵉʳ November 2021 and Thursday 1ᵉʳ December 2022, Bitcoin lost 72% of its value. Conversely, between 1ᵉʳ October 2020 and 1ᵉʳ March 2021, Bitcoin rose by […]

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What does PSAN stand for? 
PSAN, or Prestataire de Services sur Actifs Numériques, is a regulatory term specifically used in the French and European context to designate entities that offer services related to digital assets or cryptocurrencies.  This designation encompasses a variety of services, from the custody of digital assets on behalf of third parties to […]
PSAN, or Prestataire de Services sur Actifs Numériques, is a regulatory term specifically used in the French and European context to designate entities that offer services related to digital assets or cryptocurrencies.  This designation encompasses a variety of services, from the custody of digital assets on behalf of third parties to […]

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Eckert law

What does the Ecker law say?
EN : La loi relative aux comptes bancaires inactifs et aux contrats d’assurance vie en déshérence, dite « Loi Eckert », est entrée en vigueur le 1er janvier 2016. La loi prévoit que désormais, après un délai de dix ans sans opération ou contact d’un client avec sa banque, les sommes présentes […]
EN : La loi relative aux comptes bancaires inactifs et aux contrats d’assurance vie en déshérence, dite « Loi Eckert », est entrée en vigueur le 1er janvier 2016. La loi prévoit que désormais, après un délai de dix ans sans opération ou contact d’un client avec sa banque, les sommes présentes […]

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What makes bitcoin secure?
Bitcoin’s security is based on a combination of technologies and fundamental principles. At the heart of this security lies the blockchain, a decentralized public register that records all transactions. This technology ensures the immutability and transparency of transactions, making it difficult to alter them once they have been recorded.  Cryptography also […]
Bitcoin’s security is based on a combination of technologies and fundamental principles. At the heart of this security lies the blockchain, a decentralized public register that records all transactions. This technology ensures the immutability and transparency of transactions, making it difficult to alter them once they have been recorded.  Cryptography also […]

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Who created bitcoin? 
Bitcoin was created by a person or group of people under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. The real identity of Satoshi Nakamoto remains unknown to this day, adding a veil of mystery around the creation of this first cryptocurrency (crypto-asset or digital asset according to the ACPR’s official appellation).  The concept of […]
Bitcoin was created by a person or group of people under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. The real identity of Satoshi Nakamoto remains unknown to this day, adding a veil of mystery around the creation of this first cryptocurrency (crypto-asset or digital asset according to the ACPR’s official appellation).  The concept of […]

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How do I pay with Bitcoin?
To pay in Bitcoin, you first need a Bitcoin wallet, a digital tool designed to store, send and receive Bitcoins. Once you have bitcoins in your wallet, acquired via exchanges, ATMs, or other means, you can initiate a payment. The payment recipient will provide you with a unique address in […]
To pay in Bitcoin, you first need a Bitcoin wallet, a digital tool designed to store, send and receive Bitcoins. Once you have bitcoins in your wallet, acquired via exchanges, ATMs, or other means, you can initiate a payment. The payment recipient will provide you with a unique address in […]

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How to buy bitcoin (BTC)?
The precautions to take when buying bitcoin  1/ Research and analyse the market  Before investing in Bitcoin, it is essential to understand what it is and how it works. Bitcoin is the first decentralised cryptocurrency that uses blockchain technology to enable secure transactions without the intervention of third parties. As with any […]
The precautions to take when buying bitcoin  1/ Research and analyse the market  Before investing in Bitcoin, it is essential to understand what it is and how it works. Bitcoin is the first decentralised cryptocurrency that uses blockchain technology to enable secure transactions without the intervention of third parties. As with any […]

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What do we mean by bitcoin? 
Bitcoin is a form of “virtual currency”, also known as cryptocurrency (crypto asset or digital asset according to the official ACPR name). It was created in response to the 2008 financial crisis by a person or group of people under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, with the aim of providing a […]
Bitcoin is a form of “virtual currency”, also known as cryptocurrency (crypto asset or digital asset according to the official ACPR name). It was created in response to the 2008 financial crisis by a person or group of people under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, with the aim of providing a […]

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How to store cryptocurrencies 
Investors in crypto-currencies (crypto-assets or digital assets) have one major concern: securing their assets and private keys. This is to minimize the risk of theft, hacking or loss, while guaranteeing absolute control over one’s crypto-currencies.  Choose from the solutions best suited to your needs in terms of use and safety:  Cold Wallets   Cold […]
Investors in crypto-currencies (crypto-assets or digital assets) have one major concern: securing their assets and private keys. This is to minimize the risk of theft, hacking or loss, while guaranteeing absolute control over one’s crypto-currencies.  Choose from the solutions best suited to your needs in terms of use and safety:  Cold Wallets   Cold […]

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Where and how to store cryptocurrencies? 
Incidents of crypto-asset theft can occur as a result of online hacking. To secure your digital assets, you have several options. Existing solutions are called wallets.   A cryptocurrency wallet groups together the addresses of your various digital assets. It serves as access to your funds. To receive cryptocurrencies from a third […]
Incidents of crypto-asset theft can occur as a result of online hacking. To secure your digital assets, you have several options. Existing solutions are called wallets.   A cryptocurrency wallet groups together the addresses of your various digital assets. It serves as access to your funds. To receive cryptocurrencies from a third […]

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What does a cryptocurrency’s market cap really represent? 
Market Cap, the market capitalization of a cryptocurrency, is a financial indicator that measures the total value of that currency on the market.   Calculating a cryptocurrency’s market cap  To calculate it, you multiply the current price of one unit of the cryptocurrency by the number of units that are in circulation.  Market […]
Market Cap, the market capitalization of a cryptocurrency, is a financial indicator that measures the total value of that currency on the market.   Calculating a cryptocurrency’s market cap  To calculate it, you multiply the current price of one unit of the cryptocurrency by the number of units that are in circulation.  Market […]

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What’s the most popular crypto? 
The most popular crypto is Bitcoin (BTC). It is the benchmark digital asset, since it was the first to be created in 2009. Often referred to as digital gold, the crypto-currency pioneer (crypto-asset or digital asset – the official ACPR designation) is renowned for its capping, with a maximum supply […]
The most popular crypto is Bitcoin (BTC). It is the benchmark digital asset, since it was the first to be created in 2009. Often referred to as digital gold, the crypto-currency pioneer (crypto-asset or digital asset – the official ACPR designation) is renowned for its capping, with a maximum supply […]

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What is Ethereum? 
Ethereum is an advanced technological platform that extends the capabilities of the blockchain, going beyond the simple function of “digital currency”. Ethereum can be seen as a global, shared system that enables the execution of special programs such as smart contracts. These programs operate autonomously to execute commercial transactions and […]
Ethereum is an advanced technological platform that extends the capabilities of the blockchain, going beyond the simple function of “digital currency”. Ethereum can be seen as a global, shared system that enables the execution of special programs such as smart contracts. These programs operate autonomously to execute commercial transactions and […]

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Definitions and Functioning

How does blockchain technology work?
Blockchain technology records data in a decentralised and transparent way, using a computer protocol organised by consensus into a chain of blocks. The blockchain is like a large shared ledger.   Popularised by crypto-currencies (crypto-assets or digital assets) such as Bitcoin, it works through a mechanism called “mining”, carried out by miners. […]
Blockchain technology records data in a decentralised and transparent way, using a computer protocol organised by consensus into a chain of blocks. The blockchain is like a large shared ledger.   Popularised by crypto-currencies (crypto-assets or digital assets) such as Bitcoin, it works through a mechanism called “mining”, carried out by miners. […]

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Why is blockchain unforgeable? 
Blockchain is often regarded as impossible to falsify, thanks to the fact that it is based on a specific technological process. Blockchain is like a ledger in which each page is a block.  Each page contains a kind of unique fingerprint, linked to the previous page, called a “hash”. So […]
Blockchain is often regarded as impossible to falsify, thanks to the fact that it is based on a specific technological process. Blockchain is like a ledger in which each page is a block.  Each page contains a kind of unique fingerprint, linked to the previous page, called a “hash”. So […]

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What does a cryptocurrency’s market cap really represent? 
Market Cap, the market capitalization of a cryptocurrency, is a financial indicator that measures the total value of that currency on the market.   Calculating a cryptocurrency’s market cap  To calculate it, you multiply the current price of one unit of the cryptocurrency by the number of units that are in circulation.  Market […]
Market Cap, the market capitalization of a cryptocurrency, is a financial indicator that measures the total value of that currency on the market.   Calculating a cryptocurrency’s market cap  To calculate it, you multiply the current price of one unit of the cryptocurrency by the number of units that are in circulation.  Market […]

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What’s the difference between blockchain and centralized databases? 
Blockchain and centralized databases differ in structure and operation. Blockchain is a good solution when immutable, transparent data is required, while centralized databases are better suited to situations where frequent data changes are essential.  The traditional centralized database :  Data storage: the traditional database stores and manages data on a centralized server.  Data […]
Blockchain and centralized databases differ in structure and operation. Blockchain is a good solution when immutable, transparent data is required, while centralized databases are better suited to situations where frequent data changes are essential.  The traditional centralized database :  Data storage: the traditional database stores and manages data on a centralized server.  Data […]

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of blockchain? 
The advantages and disadvantages of blockchain vary depending on the context of use. For some projects, disadvantages may turn out to be advantages, and vice versa. Here is a detailed list of the main advantages and disadvantages of blockchain:   Key benefits:    Decentralization: With no central control authority, data is stored on a […]
The advantages and disadvantages of blockchain vary depending on the context of use. For some projects, disadvantages may turn out to be advantages, and vice versa. Here is a detailed list of the main advantages and disadvantages of blockchain:   Key benefits:    Decentralization: With no central control authority, data is stored on a […]

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What does the MiCA regulation say about digital assets? 
The MiCA regulation, designed by the European Union, aims to establish a regulatory framework for digital assets: authorisation, investor protection, financial stability, fraud prevention…  Approval and standards for companies   Crypto exchange platforms, digital wallet providers and other digital asset-related services will need to be licensed to operate. This means meeting high standards […]
The MiCA regulation, designed by the European Union, aims to establish a regulatory framework for digital assets: authorisation, investor protection, financial stability, fraud prevention…  Approval and standards for companies   Crypto exchange platforms, digital wallet providers and other digital asset-related services will need to be licensed to operate. This means meeting high standards […]

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What does PSAN stand for? 
PSAN, or Prestataire de Services sur Actifs Numériques, is a regulatory term specifically used in the French and European context to designate entities that offer services related to digital assets or cryptocurrencies.  This designation encompasses a variety of services, from the custody of digital assets on behalf of third parties to […]
PSAN, or Prestataire de Services sur Actifs Numériques, is a regulatory term specifically used in the French and European context to designate entities that offer services related to digital assets or cryptocurrencies.  This designation encompasses a variety of services, from the custody of digital assets on behalf of third parties to […]

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What is the difference between PSAN approval and PSAN registration?
The difference between PSAN approval and registration lies mainly in the level of control and regulatory requirements imposed by the French authorities.  PSAN registration is mandatory for all digital asset service providers in France. This procedure ensures that the service provider complies with anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing standards, in accordance […]
The difference between PSAN approval and registration lies mainly in the level of control and regulatory requirements imposed by the French authorities.  PSAN registration is mandatory for all digital asset service providers in France. This procedure ensures that the service provider complies with anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing standards, in accordance […]

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What does MiCA mean? 
MiCA, which stands for Markets in Crypto-Assets, is a European Union regulation aimed at creating a harmonised regulatory framework for digital assets within the EU. The aim of MiCA is to protect investors and preserve financial stability while fostering innovation and competition in the cryptocurrency sector.  MiCA regulation covers various aspects […]
MiCA, which stands for Markets in Crypto-Assets, is a European Union regulation aimed at creating a harmonised regulatory framework for digital assets within the EU. The aim of MiCA is to protect investors and preserve financial stability while fostering innovation and competition in the cryptocurrency sector.  MiCA regulation covers various aspects […]

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Are cryptocurrencies taxable?
This question is attracting growing interest as more and more people get involved in the world of crypto-currencies, known as crypto-assets or digital assets, as the ACPR officially calls them.  Historically, there have been debates and controversies about how to treat cryptocurrencies fiscally in France. Initially, cryptocurrencies were considered virtual assets […]
This question is attracting growing interest as more and more people get involved in the world of crypto-currencies, known as crypto-assets or digital assets, as the ACPR officially calls them.  Historically, there have been debates and controversies about how to treat cryptocurrencies fiscally in France. Initially, cryptocurrencies were considered virtual assets […]

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Storage and Security

How to store cryptocurrencies 
Investors in crypto-currencies (crypto-assets or digital assets) have one major concern: securing their assets and private keys. This is to minimize the risk of theft, hacking or loss, while guaranteeing absolute control over one’s crypto-currencies.  Choose from the solutions best suited to your needs in terms of use and safety:  Cold Wallets   Cold […]
Investors in crypto-currencies (crypto-assets or digital assets) have one major concern: securing their assets and private keys. This is to minimize the risk of theft, hacking or loss, while guaranteeing absolute control over one’s crypto-currencies.  Choose from the solutions best suited to your needs in terms of use and safety:  Cold Wallets   Cold […]

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Where and how to store cryptocurrencies? 
Incidents of crypto-asset theft can occur as a result of online hacking. To secure your digital assets, you have several options. Existing solutions are called wallets.   A cryptocurrency wallet groups together the addresses of your various digital assets. It serves as access to your funds. To receive cryptocurrencies from a third […]
Incidents of crypto-asset theft can occur as a result of online hacking. To secure your digital assets, you have several options. Existing solutions are called wallets.   A cryptocurrency wallet groups together the addresses of your various digital assets. It serves as access to your funds. To receive cryptocurrencies from a third […]

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hat is a crypto-friendly bank?
A crypto-friendly bank is one that facilitates access to and use of crypto-assets. Many traditional banks are still very wary of sending or receiving money via crypto platforms. Lack of regulation, unfamiliarity with this innovative technology and bad press have fuelled the fear of some financial institutions to position themselves […]
A crypto-friendly bank is one that facilitates access to and use of crypto-assets. Many traditional banks are still very wary of sending or receiving money via crypto platforms. Lack of regulation, unfamiliarity with this innovative technology and bad press have fuelled the fear of some financial institutions to position themselves […]

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What is crypto-jacking? 
Crypto-jacking is a malicious activity. It involves hijacking the computing power of users’ computer devices to mine cryptocurrencies without their knowledge. This practice is often carried out by cybercriminals. They infect systems with malware via compromised websites or booby-trapped emails.  When a device is infected, it secretly performs complex calculations. These […]
Crypto-jacking is a malicious activity. It involves hijacking the computing power of users’ computer devices to mine cryptocurrencies without their knowledge. This practice is often carried out by cybercriminals. They infect systems with malware via compromised websites or booby-trapped emails.  When a device is infected, it secretly performs complex calculations. These […]

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What are the risks associated with cryptocurrencies? 
Price volatility  Cryptocurrencies are notoriously volatile. Sudden and large price swings can result in significant gains, but also considerable losses for investors.   For example, between Monday 1ᵉʳ November 2021 and Thursday 1ᵉʳ December 2022, Bitcoin lost 72% of its value. Conversely, between 1ᵉʳ October 2020 and 1ᵉʳ March 2021, Bitcoin rose by […]
Price volatility  Cryptocurrencies are notoriously volatile. Sudden and large price swings can result in significant gains, but also considerable losses for investors.   For example, between Monday 1ᵉʳ November 2021 and Thursday 1ᵉʳ December 2022, Bitcoin lost 72% of its value. Conversely, between 1ᵉʳ October 2020 and 1ᵉʳ March 2021, Bitcoin rose by […]

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Transactions and Investments

How do you get started in crypto? 
You’re probably wondering how to get started in crypto. Here are a few tips for getting started wisely in this ecosystem, which can be complex:   Acquire knowledge and stay informed  As crypto-currencies (crypto-assets or digital assets, as the ACPR officially calls them) are based on decentralized technology, there is no trusted […]
You’re probably wondering how to get started in crypto. Here are a few tips for getting started wisely in this ecosystem, which can be complex:   Acquire knowledge and stay informed  As crypto-currencies (crypto-assets or digital assets, as the ACPR officially calls them) are based on decentralized technology, there is no trusted […]

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Crypto, where to invest? 
Wondering where to invest your capital in cryptocurrencies? Like any other investment, it requires a considered strategy and a clear understanding of the various options available. Beginners, discover our tips for getting started in crypto. This information is for information purposes only and cannot be considered as investment advice. Here’s […]
Wondering where to invest your capital in cryptocurrencies? Like any other investment, it requires a considered strategy and a clear understanding of the various options available. Beginners, discover our tips for getting started in crypto. This information is for information purposes only and cannot be considered as investment advice. Here’s […]

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Which countries are included in the SEPA area?
SEPA, or ‘Single Euro Payments Area,’ is a unified euro payment area. It allows payments to be made under the same conditions throughout the European area as long as the accounts are opened within this zone. List of SEPA zone countries: Andorra Austria Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Gibraltar Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Monaco Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania San Marino Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom Vatican City […]
SEPA, or ‘Single Euro Payments Area,’ is a unified euro payment area. It allows payments to be made under the same conditions throughout the European area as long as the accounts are opened within this zone. List of SEPA zone countries: Andorra Austria Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Gibraltar Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Monaco Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania San Marino Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom Vatican City […]

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Cryptocurrencies or digital currencies are terms commonly used in the crypto ecosystem. However, the terminology favored by regulators (ACPR and AMF) is crypto-assets or digital assets. This distinction arises because, although often referred to as cryptocurrencies, these assets do not qualify as currencies in the legal sense. They are virtual resources based on blockchain technology, whose value is determined solely by supply and demand.

None of the information contained in this FAQ constitutes investment advice, tax advice, legal advice, or any other type of advice, nor does it serve as an invitation to engage in any form of financial transaction.

Investing in digital assets carries risks and may not be suitable for all investors. It is the responsibility of investors to educate themselves about the risks associated with different digital assets. In particular, it is noted that digital assets can exhibit significant volatility, and investments in digital assets involve a risk of capital loss. Accordingly, it is important to remember that the past performance of digital assets, as might be indicated on Banque Delubac & Cie’s website or in documents provided to investors, is not indicative of future performance. Investors should familiarize themselves with the technologies underlying each digital asset and their associated risks, including vulnerabilities, defects, hacks, errors, protocol failures, or attacks on the protocol. Banque Delubac & Cie cannot be held liable for any misunderstanding of the risks associated with digital assets or for any losses investors may incur due to errors in wallet addresses attributable to the investor.