What is crypto-jacking?
Crypto-jacking is a malicious activity. It involves hijacking the computing power of users’ computer devices to mine cryptocurrencies without their knowledge. This practice is often carried out by cybercriminals. They infect systems with malware via compromised websites or booby-trapped emails.
When a device is infected, it secretly performs complex calculations. These calculations are needed to validate cryptocurrency transactions and generate new units. In the event of crypto-jacking, the profits from the miningProcess allowing to solve a mathematical or computing challenge imposed by a blockchain’s Proof of Workconsensus. Mining activity requires a variable calculation power depending on the blockchain’s algorithm alongwith difficulty Lire la suite go to the attacker. Meanwhile, the victim’s device may slow down, overheat or wear out faster.
To avoid crypto-jacking, adopt computer security measures by using up-to-date protection software and remain vigilant online. It is also important to be wary of emails from unknown senders.
Cryptocurrencies or digital currencies are terms commonly used in the crypto ecosystem. However, the terminology favored by regulators (ACPR and AMF) is crypto-assets or digital assets. This distinction arises because, although often referred to as cryptocurrencies, these assets do not qualify as currencies in the legal sense. They are virtual resources based on blockchainA blockchain is a type of distributed ledger technology. It is a huge database formed by blocks,cryptographically linked to each other, containing information such as transactions. These blocks are addedfollowing Lire la suite technology, whose value is determined solely by supply and demand.
None of the information contained in this FAQ constitutes investment advice, tax advice, legal advice, or any other type of advice, nor does it serve as an invitation to engage in any form of financial transaction.
Investing in digital assets carries risks and may not be suitable for all investors. It is the responsibility of investors to educate themselves about the risks associated with different digital assets. In particular, it is noted that digital assets can exhibit significant volatilityPrice variation of an asset on a given period. Lire la suite, and investments in digital assets involve a risk of capital loss. Accordingly, it is important to remember that the past performance of digital assets, as might be indicated on Banque Delubac & Cie’s website or in documents provided to investors, is not indicative of future performance. Investors should familiarize themselves with the technologies underlying each digital asset and their associated risks, including vulnerabilities, defects, hacks, errors, protocol failures, or attacks on the protocol. Banque Delubac & Cie cannot be held liable for any misunderstanding of the risks associated with digital assets or for any losses investors may incur due to errors in walletPrice variation of an asset on a given period. Lire la suite addresses attributable to the investor.
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