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How to mine ether after switching to Proof of Stake (PoS) 

Ethereum, one of the world’s leading crypto-assets, has migrated to a Proof of Stake consensus system with the implementation of Ethereum 2.0. This shift means that the traditional Proof of Work-based ethereum mining is obsolete. In this article, we’ll look at this change, the implications for ether miners, and how it’s now possible to participate in the Ethereum network. 

comment miner l'Ethereum après le passage au POS ?

Understanding the switch to PoS for ether mining 

The Ethereum blockchain’s transition to a Proof of Stake consensus model is revolutionising the way it works. In this first part, we will explore what this transition means and why it is crucial for the future of Ethereum.

What is Proof of Stake (PoS)? 

PoS is a consensus protocol used by Ethereum 2.0 that differs from proof-of-work. Rather than solving complex problems, PoS validators verify transactions and add new blocks to the blockchain based on the amount of Ether they “stake” or “stack” as collateral. 

Why switch to Proof of Stake (PoS)?  

PoS has been adopted to solve several problems linked to the high energy consumption and electricity cost of proof of work. In a system based on proof of work, the computers needed to perform the computing power required to solve complex problems consume a significant amount of electricity.   

Furthermore, the basic investment is substantial, since mining requires the use of powerful computers and the most advanced graphics cards to obtain good results.  

Furthermore, the basic investment is substantial, since mining requires the use of powerful computers and the most advanced graphics cards to obtain good results. 

It also offers advantages in terms of:

  • scalability (large-scale network development), 
  • security, 
  • decentralisation. 

PoS is therefore much less energy-intensive than PoW and more accessible to the average user, as it does not require expensive hardware. 

However, in terms of profitability, the two methods have their own specificities, depending largely on market fluctuations.  

How to mine ethereum with your PC?  

While traditional proof-of-work-based ether mining has come to an end, new opportunities are opening up for those who want to stay involved in the Ethereum network.

The opportunity to mine ether with PoS 

Instead of mining ether, participants can become validators by stacking a specific amount of ethers (32 Ethereum must be stacked). In other words, users tie up a certain amount of cryptocurrency (crypto-asset or digital asset as the ACPR officially calls it) as collateral to participate. They will be responsible for validating transactions and securing the network according to the amount of ethers stacked. 

The total amount needed is a barrier for many. Fortunately, people who do not have enough ethers to become an individual validator can participate in a staking pool. In a staking pool, several participants pool their funds to obtain a large amount of start-up capital and collectively become validators

What steps need to be taken to mine ethereum in 2023? 

  1. A basic investment:
    To start mining ether with Proof of Stake, you need to have a certain amount of ether to stake. This cryptocurrency is essential because it is the fuel that keeps the Ethereum platform running smoothly. 
  2. Choose a compatible wallet:
    Choose a wallet that is compatible with staking, because staking plays an essential role in the process. The wallet should not only enable your ethers to be stored securely, but also offer specific staking features, such as the ability to lock your funds and participate in the validation network. Make sure it also offers a user-friendly interface to facilitate your participation in the staking process.   
  3. Lock your ethers: 
    Follow the instructions carefully to activate your participation. As a general rule, the instructions are clear and detailed, so let yourself be guided. This involves identifying the staking option in your portfolio, selecting the amount of ether you wish to stake, and confirming this action. Make sure you understand the terms and conditions of staking, such as how long the funds will be locked in and the potential rewards. 
  4. ..Exploring Staking Pools: 
    These pools offer benefits such as the ability to participate with small amounts of ether and staking reward management services. Follow the information provided by each pool carefully to make an informed decision and optimise your staking experience. More details on choosing staking pools in the next section. 

How do I choose a staking pool to mine ether with the Proof of Stake? 

When choosing a staking pool to mine ether with the Proof of Stake, it is important to take several factors into account: 

  • pool operating costs  
  • staking reward mechanisms  
  • the pool’s reputation and safety  
  • user-friendly interface  

We recommend consulting reliable resources and staking communities for advice on choosing a reliable pool suited to your needs. 

Some staking pools also offer additional tools and services, such as profitability calculators and staking reward management options, which can make it easier to participate in the staking process on Ethereum. 

What equipment is needed to mine ether with Proof of Stake? 

Unlike traditional Proof of Work mining, ether mining with Proof of Stake does not require specialised hardware, such as powerful graphics cards (GPUs) or ASIC . So you don’t need any special software, such as Ethereum miners (like Geth or Ethminer). You can also participate in staking with a standard operating system, such as Windows, Linux or macOS. However, some staking wallets may be better supported on a particular operating system, or they may have specific versions for different platforms. For example, some wallets may not work with an older Windows version. 

To sum up, all you need to become an ethereum miner with the PoS is a large starting capital in ETH to stake and access to a wallet compatible with staking. Making money with crypto-currencies (crypto-assets or digital assets as the ACPR officially calls them) is accessible without advanced computer skills or a large budget to invest in very powerful hardware.   

Rewards and risks of PoS stacking  

If you decide to become a PoS validator on Ethereum 2.0, you have the opportunity to earn Ether rewards. These rewards are generated in two ways. 

Block rewards

Validators are selected to create blocks and are paid for this task. Block rewards are distributed according to the amount of ethers in play. The more ethers you stack, the more likely you are to be selected to create a block.  

Good to know: if you want to keep any winnings over the long term as savings, consider using a cold wallet.   

Transaction rewards, also known as transaction fees 

Validators receive a share of the transaction fees paid by network users. In this way, the more transactions the Ethereum 2.0 network is used for, the more transaction rewards validators can earn.  

However, as a PoS validator, there is a risk of losing funds. If you fail to maintain a good state of readiness or participate in malicious activity, you could lose the amount of Ether staked. In addition, the rewards obtained (in Ether) by staking can be sensitive to the volatility of the crypto-asset market. The price of Ether can fluctuate considerably, which can influence the total value of the rewards. 

Is ETH mining with the Proof of Stake profitable compared to traditional mining?  

The move to Proof of Stake is intended to make the process of validating and creating blocks on Ethereum more energy-efficient and more accessible for ether holders.  

This could make staking more profitable than traditional mining for some users, particularly those without expensive mining equipment or access to cheap electricity.    

However, the profitability of staking will depend on several factors: 

  • the amount of ether involved,  
  • the operating costs of staking pools, 
  • staking rewards.  

Impact of staking on the price of Ethereum 

The transition to PoS could have a significant impact on the price of Ethereum. This transition changes the dynamics of supply and demand. A potential reduction in the supply of Ethereum, due to the immobilisation of ETH in staking, could lead to an increase in its price. However, this effect is subject to speculation and market conditions. 

Security and best practice in Ethereum staking 

Network security is essential when staking Ethereum. Choose reputable platforms and beware of overly tempting offers. Best practice includes securing private keys and constantly monitoring developments in the Ethereum ecosystem. It is also crucial to understand the risks of loss in the event of mismanagement or security problems on the chosen platform. 

Tax and legal implications of Ethereum staking 

The taxation of Ethereum staking varies from one jurisdiction to another. Winnings may be subject to income tax or other forms of taxation. It is essential to find out about local tax rules and to declare income correctly. The legal implications may also include compliance issues relating to current financial regulations.
In France, the taxation and legal implications of Ethereum staking are governed by legislation relating to crypto-assets. Under French tax regulations, this income is treated as capital gains on digital assets or, in certain cases, as non-commercial profits (BNC), depending on the nature and frequency of the staking operations.

Individuals involved in Ethereum staking must declare their gains to the French tax authorities. The amount of tax payable depends on a number of factors, including the frequency and volume of transactions, and the way in which the activity is organised and managed. 

What are the alternatives to eth mining with the Proof of Stake? 

As well as mining ether with the Proof of Stake, there are other ways of obtaining ether, such as: 

  • buying on crypto-currency exchange platforms,  
  • participation in reward or sponsorship programmes,  
  • participation in decentralised finance activities (DeFi) to earn interest or rewards.

These add-ons to ETH mining and staking are solutions that should be seriously considered if you want to get more out of ether.  

What you need to know to mine ether 

With the move to Proof of Stake, Ethereum offers new participation opportunities for users who wish to secure the network and earn rewards in Ether. However, it is important to be properly prepared, to have the minimum amount of Ether required and to understand the benefits and risks associated with staking. 

Frequently asked questions about mining

What is Ethminer? 

Ethminer is mining software specifically designed to mine Ethereum. It is a command-line tool that allows users to mine Ethereum using their computer’s GPU. Ethminer is compatible with Nvidia and AMD graphics cards and is supported by Windows, Linux and macOS operating systems. The program will allow users to connect to a mining pool or mine independently, contributing to the security and operation of the Ethereum network. 

How do you mine on your own? 

Mining crypto-assets on your own is a process that requires a substantial initial investment in mining hardware, such as ASICs for Bitcoin or GPUs for Ethereum. Mining on your own involves setting up your own mining infrastructure, which includes not only acquiring the right equipment, but also configuring a connection to the chosen crypto-asset’s blockchain. 

This method requires significant computing power, as the miner must compete alone against the entire network to solve the cryptographic problem and add the next block to the blockchain. While mining alone may offer greater rewards for success, it also presents a higher risk and a lower probability of regular gains. This is due to the intense competition and considerable computing power required. 

How can I mine ethereum on Android? 

Miner Ethereum on an Android device is not the most efficient method due to the computing power limitations of mobile devices, but it is technically possible with certain dedicated applications. 

These applications, available on the Google Play Store, allow users to exploit their smartphone’s processing capacity to mine Ethereum. However, performance is generally very low compared with traditional mining methods using GPUs or ASICs. 

Furthermore, mining on a mobile device can lead to premature wear and tear on the hardware due to the intensive use of the processor and battery. Mobile mining applications may not be as effective or reliable as desktop mining solutions, and some may present security risks or be considered malicious. It is therefore essential to exercise caution and find out about the applications you choose before you start mining Ethereum on an Android device. 

What is Ethermine? 

Ethermine is a mining pool dedicated to Ethereum mining. As a pool, Ethermine allows individual miners to combine their computing resources to increase their chances of validating transactions and earning block rewards. When a member of the pool contributes to the validation of a block, the reward is shared between all participants in proportion to their contribution of computing power. 

Ethermine stands out for its reliability, transparency and low commission, making it one of the most popular Ethereum mining pools. The Ethermine pool offers features such as real-time monitoring of mining performance, regular payouts and support for advanced mining configurations. 

Investing in digital assets involves risks and is not suitable for all investors. 

Investors should inform themselves about the risks associated with the various digital assets. In particular, it is emphasised that digital assets can be highly volatile and that investments in digital assets present a risk of capital loss. In this respect, investors are reminded that past performance of digital assets, which may be indicated on the Banque Delubac & Cie website or in documents made available to investors, is not representative of future performance. In addition, investors should inform themselves about the technologies related to each digital asset and their risks, like flaws, defects, piracy, errors, protocol failures or attacks thereon. Banque Delubac & Cie cannot be held responsible for any misunderstanding of the risks associated with digital assets or for any losses that the investor may incur in the event of an error in the address of the portfolio attributable to the investor.

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