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Which crypto wallet should I choose? All our recommendations

Choosing the right wallet to store and manage your digital assets is of crucial importance. Whether you’re a curious beginner or a seasoned investor, the question is: “Which crypto wallet should I choose?“. It is precisely this question that this guide tackles in a detailed and informed way.  

Crypto-assets offer many opportunities, but they also come with considerable responsibilities. Choosing the right crypto wallet is one of those key responsibilities. There are a multitude of options, each with its own features, advantages and disadvantages. Whether you’re looking to maximise the security of your assets, prioritise ease of use, or optimise the associated costs, this article will guide you through the different facets of selecting the best crypto wallet for your needs. 

After all, choosing the right crypto wallet is a fundamental step in your journey towards mastering your cryptocurrencies. So let’s dive into the exciting world of crypto wallets and answer the question on everyone’s lips: which crypto wallet should you choose? 

The different types of crypto wallet

Before choosing your crypto wallet, it is essential to understand the different options available to you. This section will take you through the world of Hot Wallets, Cold Wallets and Hardware Wallets. Each of these types of wallet has its own advantages and disadvantages in terms of security, accessibility and convenience. Find out how each works and which might be the best choice for your cryptocurrency needs. 

Choosing an online wallet (Hot Wallets) 

Online wallets, commonly known as Hot Wallets, are crypto-asset storage solutions accessible via the Internet. They offer immediate convenience for everyday transactions, thanks to their availability on any connected device. These wallets are often favoured for their ease of use, particularly by beginners. 

However, they do present significant security risks, as they are constantly exposed to online threats and hacking (due to their constant connection to the internet). They are generally recommended for small amounts of cryptos, while users looking to store larger sums should consider more secure storage solutions, such as hardware wallets. 

Opt for an offline wallet (Cold Wallets) 

On the other hand, offline wallets, also known as Cold Wallets, represent a highly secure option for storing crypto-assets. Unlike online wallets, they are not constantly connected to the Internet, which significantly reduces the risk of piracy and online attacks. Cold Wallets can take different forms, such as paper wallets, hardware wallets or offline software. 

Their main advantage lies in the increased protection of your private keys (a randomly generated list of 24 words allowing access to your wallet), as they remain out of reach of online threats (unlike Hot Wallets). However, their immediate accessibility is limited, meaning they are more suited to long-term storage or large amounts of cryptocurrency. Security-conscious investors often opt for offline wallets to optimally protect their digital assets.

Hardware Wallets 

Hardware wallets are the pinnacle of security in the crypto world. These physical devices (taking on the appearance of a USB stick) are specially designed to store your private keys in isolation, protecting them from any online threat. Using a Hardware Wallet usually involves an offline transaction procedure, further enhancing security. Users value these wallets for their protection against hacking and cryptocurrency theft.  

Although they can be an initial investment, they are considered invaluable for holders of large portfolios or those who prioritise absolute security. However, they may be slightly less user-friendly than other types of wallet, as they focus on security above all else. For those looking to store their digital assets with peace of mind, Hardware Wallets remain a compelling choice. 

Criteria to consider when choosing a crypto wallet  

Choosing the right crypto wallet goes far beyond simply selecting between the different types. It’s based on a careful assessment of key factors. In this section, we’ll explore the fundamental aspects to consider when selecting your wallet. From prioritising security, to the importance of ease of use, to cost management, these factors will guide you towards the crypto wallet that perfectly suits your needs and concerns. 

Prioritising wallet security 

Security should be the main selection criterion when it comes to choosing a crypto wallet. Protecting your digital assets is imperative in an environment where online threats are omnipresent. Make sure the wallet you are considering offers robust private key protection. 

As we have just seen, solutions such as Hardware Wallets provide complete isolation of keys, keeping them safe from potential attacks on the Internet. Also examine the security reputation of the wallet provider and look for any history of hacking or security breaches. 

An additional security measure is to activate two-factor authentication (2FA) whenever possible. A code over the phone will be sent to you when you log in, in addition to email verification. Ultimately, the top priority must be to protect your cryptocurrency investments from any external threats. 

The importance of ease of use 

The user-friendliness of a crypto wallet is a crucial factor, especially for beginners. Technical complexity can sometimes be daunting, but a user-friendly wallet will make the experience much more accessible. Look for a wallet with an intuitive user interface and clearly defined functionality. Ideally, it should be easy to install, configure and use on a day-to-day basis. 

For experienced investors, a well-designed user interface saves time and simplifies transactions. Strike a balance between simplicity and security, as an overly simplistic interface could compromise the protection of your assets. Opt for a wallet that matches your level of expertise while remaining user-friendly for a smooth crypto experience. 

The cost associated with the various crypto 

Cost is an aspect that is often underestimated when choosing a crypto wallet. The fees associated with using a wallet can vary considerably depending on a number of factors. Online wallets, for example, may offer free use, while hardware wallets have an upfront cost to purchase. 

To make an informed decision, carefully evaluate all potential costs, the portfolio purchase fee (if any), and any recurring costs. Balancing security and cost benefits is crucial to choosing a portfolio that fits your budget and financial needs.

The best crypto wallets on the market in 2024 

Ledger Nano X

The Ledger Nano X is one of the hottest choices among crypto-asset hardware wallets. Designed to offer maximum security, it is particularly popular with sophisticated investors. 

This crypto wallet features offline storage, protecting your private keys from online threats. Its ability to store a variety of cryptos makes it a versatile choice for various digital wallets. With a user-friendly interface and compatibility with mobile devices, it also offers a pleasant user experience. 

However, it is essential to note that the Ledger Nano X is subject to an initial purchase cost, which may represent a higher initial investment. For experienced investors who place the utmost importance on the security of their digital assets, this is a well justified expense. The Ledger Nano X is a solid choice for those seeking maximum protection for their crypto-assets, and it remains one of the leaders in hardware wallets. 

Trezor One

Known for its reliability and ease of use, it is often recommended for beginners and experienced investors alike. Featuring robust security, the Trezor One allows you to store your private keys securely offline, minimising the risk of hacking

Its user-friendly interface and display screen offer a smooth user experience, making it a popular choice. Trezor One is also valued for its compatibility with a wide range of cryptos, making it versatile for managing multiple digital assets. In terms of cost, it is generally competitively priced compared to other hardware wallets on the market. 


ZenGo is an innovative crypto wallet that stands out for its approach focused on simplicity and user-friendliness. Designed to meet the needs of novice users, it offers a hassle-free crypto asset management experience. One of its most notable features is the absence of traditional private keys, which greatly simplifies security for novice users. 

However, its no-private-key security mechanism may not be suitable for those looking for maximum protection. In addition, some features may be subject to a fee. For beginners who prefer simplicity and accessibility, ZenGo offers an attractive option. 

Ledger Nano S Plus

The Ledger Nano S Plus is an evolution of the famous Ledger Nano S, which has become a benchmark in the world of hardware wallets. This enhanced version retains the security features of its predecessor while offering additional functionality.  

With its increased storage capacity, the Ledger Nano S Plus can store a wider variety of crypto-assets, making it a versatile option for investors looking to diversify their portfolio. Just like other Ledger products, security is a priority. Your private keys are stored securely offline, minimising the risk of hacking. User-friendliness is not overlooked, with an intuitive user interface and extensive compatibility with different platforms. 


Taurus offers a secure storage solution interfaced with fully audited (verified and controlled) proprietary software. Taurus, designed primarily for businesses, is still the most popular solution among financial institutions. 

This wallet offers a wide range of functions linked to compliance, fraud detection and risk management. The Delubac bank in particular uses this solution to secure its customer funds. 

Recommendations, the best crypto wallet according to user profile 

Now that you’ve gained a thorough understanding of wallet types, security factors, usability and costs, it’s time to answer the all-important question “Which crypto wallet should I choose?“. Each of us has specific digital asset needs and goals, and it’s crucial to select the wallet that best fits your unique user profile. 

In this section, we’ll provide you with personalised recommendations based on your level of experience and preferences. Whether you’re a beginner looking for simplicity, an experienced investor aiming for maximum security, or somewhere in between, you’ll find practical advice here to guide your choice towards the ideal crypto wallet. 

Crypto wallet for beginners 

In case you’re new to the world of cryptocurrencies, ease of use should be your top priority when choosing a wallet. Choose user-friendly online wallets that offer an intuitive interface and ease of setup. Popular options such as mobile or desktop wallets can be ideal for getting started, as they can be accessed from your usual devices. 

Make sure you choose a wallet that allows you to store your private keys securely and offers good customer support if you need it. By starting with a user-friendly wallet, you can explore the world of digital assets with confidence and learn the basics of managing your digital assets. 

For experienced investors 

If you are experienced in crypto-assets and hold a significant wallet (in terms of amounts held), security should be your top priority. Opt for a high-quality hardware wallet, as it offers the highest level of protection for your digital assets. These physical devices isolate your private keys from online threats, significantly reducing the risk of hacking. 

Also make sure you keep a backup copy of your private keys in a secure place, in case you lose your hardware wallet. Cost management should be less of a concern at this stage, as security comes first. Investing in a high-quality crypto wallet is a wise choice to protect your investments and maintain peace of mind in the volatile world of cryptos. 

Which crypto wallet to choose, what you need to know 

In conclusion, choosing the right crypto wallet is a crucial decision in your journey among crypto-assets. There is no one-size-fits-all solution. Your choice should be guided by your specific needs and level of experience. 

Beginners may prefer ease of use, opting for user-friendly online portfolios. For experienced investors, security must come first, making physical portfolios a solid option. 

At the end of the day, the combination of security, usability and cost needs to be in harmony with your goals and user profile. Do thorough research, read reviews, and don’t hesitate to ask the crypto community for advice. By following these guidelines, you’ll be able to choose the crypto wallet that best suits your needs and start managing your digital assets confidently and securely. 

Frequently asked questions 

What is a crypto wallet?

A crypto wallet is a computer program or application for storing, managing and securing cryptocurrencies. It acts as a digital wallet where you can store your public and private keys to access your cryptos. 

What are the advantages of using a crypto wallet?  

Crypto wallets allow you to secure your cryptos, have total control over your private keys, easily manage your transactions and store several cryptocurrencies in one place.

How do crypto wallets work? 

Crypto wallets use public and private keys to secure and access your cryptos. When you make a transaction, you digitally sign it with your private key to prove that you are the owner. 

Which crypto wallet should I choose to secure my cryptos?  

To secure your cryptos, you can opt for a “cold wallet” type crypto wallet such as Ledger Nano. These wallets are physical devices disconnected from the internet, making them highly secure and resistant to online attacks. 

How do I store and secure my cryptocurrencies?  

To store and secure your cryptocurrencies, you can use a physical wallet like Ledger Nano. Make sure you back up your private keys and keep them safe from unauthorised access. 

What is Trust Wallet? 

Trust Wallet is a mobile app for storing and managing cryptocurrencies. It offers advanced security and supports several cryptos and tokens on iOS and Android platforms. 

Investing in digital assets involves risks and is not suitable for all investors. 

Investors should inform themselves about the risks associated with the various digital assets. In particular, it is emphasised that digital assets can be highly volatile and that investments in digital assets present a risk of capital loss. In this respect, investors are reminded that past performance of digital assets, which may be indicated on the Banque Delubac & Cie website or in documents made available to investors, is not representative of future performance. In addition, investors should inform themselves about the technologies related to each digital asset and their risks, like flaws, defects, piracy, errors, protocol failures or attacks thereon. Banque Delubac & Cie cannot be held responsible for any misunderstanding of the risks associated with digital assets or for any losses that the investor may incur in the event of an error in the address of the portfolio attributable to the investor.

Banque Delubac was the subject of a “simple” registration subject to the provisions of article L. 54-10-3 of the Monetary and Financial Code in force before 1 January 2024 and was not subject to the provisions relating to the “enhanced” registration introduced by the law of 9 March 2023. 

During this registration procedure, the Autorité des marchés financiers (Financial Markets Authority) verified:

  • The integrity and competence of the managers and beneficial owners, 
  • The ability of the Service Provider to comply with its obligations in terms of the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing, the freezing of assets and the prohibition on making assets available, by putting in place an organisation and procedures.