Cyrille Bialkiewicz Award
Created in 2010 by Banque Delubac & Cie, the Cyrille Bialkiewicz Award aims to reward research work on the law governing struggling businesses and to better understand the theoretical aspects and practical issues of the subject.
This event has become a benchmark in the legal world and brings together, each year, political and economic personalities around conference-debates.
14th edition on Thursday, 29 June 2023

3 PhD students rewarded
each year
A benchmark award
in the legal world
Conferences and round tables
at the Cercle de l’Union Interalliée
« It’s an opportunity for us to shine a spotlight on young doctorates who have produced high quality work by publishing them, to highlight this exciting but little publicised issue and to bring together sector professionals on an annual basis. »
Serge Bialkiewicz
Managing Partner – Banque Delubac & Cie
The law governing struggling businesses
at the heart of the debate
This event brings together more than 700 guests: players from the legal world, political and economic personalities. Alongside the presentation of the Award, a conference-debate is organised between economists, politicians and writers.
They debate on current topics related to the life of the company.
The Ceremony and the Award
of the best theses
François-Xavier Lucas, professor of law at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, specialist in the law governing struggling businesses, himself composes a jury of professionals and academics.
The ceremony rewards 3 PhD students for their in-depth and original research work. Banque Delubac & Cie allocates a prize to each candidate selected by the jury.
To apply or for more information on this event, go to the dedicated website: