Legal notice
The content of this site is for informational purposes and may not be equated with a public offering, solicitation or canvassing on behalf Banque Delubac & Cie.
General presentation
Publisher: Banque Delubac & Cie
Company name : Banque Delubac & Cie
Limited partnership with capital of : 11 695 776 euros
Head office: 16, place Saléon Terras – 07160 LE CHEYLARD
Trade and Company Register: Aubenas 305 776 890
Bank code: 12879
LEI : 969500A4IPKVUBH3CA90
NAF Code: 6419Z (ex code APE)
EU VAT Identification Number: FR 3330 5776 890
Tel : 04 75 29 02 99 (Siège social), 01 44 95 86 20 (Paris)
Banque Delubac & Cie is a credit institution, an investment services provider governed by French law and subject to the provisions of Articles L.511-1 et seq. of the French Monetary and Financial Code, approved by the French Prudential Control and Resolution Authority (“ACPR”, 4, Place de Budapest Paris Cedex 09), controlled by the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) and under the prudential supervision of the European Central Bank (ECB).
Banque Delubac & Cie is approved as an insurance broker and registered as such with ORIAS under the insurance intermediary registration number 07027153.
Banque Delubac & Cie, as credit institution approved for the provision of investment services, is authorised to carry out all banking operations and to provide all investment services, with the exception of investment service of a multilateral trading facility or an organised trading facility.
Site management
Website manager
Marketing Director
Design and technical implementation
RCS : 528 145 477
Design – Content
Digital Marketing Manager
Global Service Provider
78, Rue de la Condamine – 75017 Paris
RCS : 431 313 691
General use
The user is currently connected to the official website of Banque Delubac & Cie:
Browsing this site is subject to applicable regulations and the conditions of use. As the latter is updated on a regular basis, please consult this page each time you log onto the site.
Our teams go the extra mile to provide you with accurate, up-to-date, non-contractual information, but the latter is purely for information purposes.
In addition, Banque Delubac & Cie has the right to change and/or correct any non-contractual information found on at any time and without notice.
The information provided on the site relating to the presentation of products and services does not constitute recommendations or advice and can in no way be considered as having contractual value. It is purely for information purposes only. The general terms and conditions of the products and services offered by Banque Delubac & Cie prevail over the non-contractual information available on the website As such, no liability is accepted by Banque Delubac & Cie in the event of direct or indirect loss, resulting from the use of this information.
Those who wish to purchase a service or product presented on this site must contact Banque Delubac & Cie to inquire about the applicable contractual and tariff conditions.
Access to the services presented on this site may be subject to restrictions with regard to certain persons or in certain countries. No services will be provided by Banque Delubac & Cie to any person if the law of his/her country of origin or any other country concerning him/her, prohibits it. However, those who are interested should check with their usual agents in advance to see if their legal and tax status allows them to subscribe to services presented on the site.
legal notice
The website is an information site. Those accessing this site and the information it contains accept the rules of use set out below.
Allow us to draw your attention to the fact that secrecy of correspondence is not guaranteed on the internet and it is up to each user to take all appropriate measures to protect his/her own data and/or software.
We may, for security reasons, be obliged to suspend various services.
Banque Delubac & Cie cannot be held responsible, in particular for:
- direct or indirect losses, which may result from the use of the information presented on the site,
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- the quality and availability of telecommunication networks,
- service interruptions as a result of updating the information necessary to properly operate the service or any act of maintenance,
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- and, in general, any malfunction or error for which you are responsible.
Banque Delubac & Cie is bound by an obligation of means with regard to the accessibility and the proper functioning of this site.
Banque Delubac & Cie reserves the right to correct the content of this notice at any time and without notice. In addition, Banque Delubac & Cie accepts no liability for delays, errors or omissions in the content of these pages and in the event of interruption or non-availability of the service.
Bank Delubac & Cie shall not be liable for items beyond its control and for any damage that may be suffered by the user’s technical environment, including its terminals (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.), software, network equipment and any other equipment used to access or use the service and/or information.
Banque Delubac & Cie shall not be held liable for any decision made on the basis of information contained on the site, or the use that could be made of it by third parties.
Requirement regarding accessibility
The user acknowledges that he/she has read this legal notice and agrees to respect it. The website is accessible 24/7, except in cases of force majeure, technical and/or computer and/or telecommunication and/or maintenance period difficulties.
Hypertext links
Please note that Banque Delubac & Cie has no control or responsibility for the creation of links to external sites from the website, and in particular regarding the content of these sites. The user also agrees that his/her choice to access another site, via a hypertext link, is at his/her own risk. Consequently, any direct or indirect damage caused as a result of your access to another site linked by a hypertext link cannot engage the responsibility of Banque Delubac & Cie.
The same applies to pages or websites leading to our site. Any hypertext link to our site must be expressly authorised by the director of publication.
Photo credits
The published photographs are provided with all the rights transferred to Banque Delubac & Co.
Intellectual property
We would like to inform the user that everything he/she sees and reads on this site is protected by intellectual property laws.
Any full or partial reproduction or representation, distribution or redistribution, sale, resale, retransmission or making available the pages, data and any other element of the website, to third parties by any process or media whatsoever and/or in any way whatsoever is prohibited and constitutes, without the publisher duly authorising it in advance, an infringement and may result in civil and criminal penalties.
All data (texts, sounds or images) contained on the pages of this website is the exclusive property of Banque Delubac & Cie.
By the same tokenCan be considered as a digital coupon whose unicity can be mathematically proven and being tradable for assets, services, or goods. The concept of token isn’t actually from crypto ecosystem; Lire la suite, Delubac & Cie Bank holds all the rights to the trademarks and logos deposited on this site. It is forbidden to reproduce or represent them on any medium whatsoever and for any purpose whatsoever, unless authorisation has been granted by the bank in advance.
Applicable law
The content of the website is subject to the law applicable in France.
All users recognise the jurisdiction of French courts for all that concerns the content and use of the website or disputes arising therefrom.